2013 International Piano Competition recorded live in Lied Center Pavilion at the University of Kansas.
Competition Semi-FinalsCompetition Semi-Final Part 1 |
Competition Finals |
Winners Concert and Programs
2013 Honor Recitals recorded live in Swarthout Recital Hall at the University of Kansas.
2013 Recitals recorded live at Swarthout Hall at University of Kansas.
All performances at the 2013 International Institute for Young Musicians are available for download as .m4a audio files on this site.
Download a zip file containing tracks by clicking on the name of the zip file. The zip file will download to a location you specify on your computer. To view the performers for a given concert, click the link below the zip file to view the concert program. If you are not using Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7, you may download WinZip here: www.winzip.com. Macintosh automatically unzips all zip files.
All recordings are 256 kbps m4a
Produced by Isaac and Richard Holbrook www.holbrookpiano.com
If there are any problems or errors, please e-mail isaacholbrook@me.com
Apple MacBook
Tascam US-122
Apple Logic Express 8
Audio-Technica AT-4040 Microphones
Mogami Gold XLR Mic Cables